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Space Junk

Side Project

Space Junk is a web3 project that takes storytelling to a new whole experience by merging NFTs with an animated series. The main reason for this is audience engagement, as NFT holders actively shape the unfolding narrative through voting at the end of each episode. ‍

Product Designer — Webflow Developer
3 months
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Interactive Story Generator

Crafting the interactive story generator was a crucial step in bringing the Space Junk experience to life. By tapping into the power of ChatGPT, the generator creates engaging stories for each NFT, immersing viewers in a seamless narrative experience.

Community Hub

The place where users can show off how many story votes and points they have for each of their NFTs owned, be interacting with the community the users gain points called "DIC Punches" that they can later use to exchange for material goods.

NFTs and Animated Series

By integrating NFTs, viewers become integral to the storytelling process, adding an interactive layer to the animated series and fostering a sense of ownership and involvement.

Design System

Since the client showed us a fragment of the first episode, we had to go from there and design accordingly to the series' premise, after some iterations, backs and forths with the client, we went this way, a modern yet "spacey" look and feel. I led the end-to-end design system creation for the website, collaborating with developers to ensure its successful implementation.

Handoff to devs

I take this part of my job very seriously, I want the site to be 1:1 of what I designed. I try to leave no room for doubt for the developers.
What I mostly do is break down every component, writing everything that I can, and if that's not enough I'm *happy* to do a quick call with them.